Scientific Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko Kremenets Regional Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy. Series: Pedagogical sciences / after general. ed. of V. Benera. Kremenets : Publishing Center of Taras Shevchenko KRHPA

Registered by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine, certificate of state registration of the print media – series KV № 21699-1599 PR dated 13.10.2015.

The scientific publication is included in the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine in pedagogical sciences, in which the results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences may be published (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine № 1328 of 21.12.2015.).

The scientific bulletin is registered, reviewed and indexed in scientometric databases, search systems and depositories: Index Copernicus International, Coogle Scholar, ISSN International Center, (Paris).

International Standard Number of the Periodical is ISSN 2410-2075.

Collection of scientific works ‘Scientific Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko Kremenets Regional Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy. Series: Pedagogical Sciences’ is recommended for submission to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for inclusion in the List of Scientific Professional Publications of Ukraine (decision of Academic Council of Taras Shevchenko KRHPA, protocol № 8 of February 10, 2022.).



Sheet format – A4 (210 x 297 mm).

Text editor MS Word 97-200, font – Times New Roman, № 12, interval – 1.0, without tabs and hyphens.

Page parameters: format A 4, orientation – portrait, margins: top  – 2.0 cm, bottom – 2.0 cm, left – 3.0 cm, right  – 2.0 cm. Indentation – 1.25 cm.

The volume of the article – no less eight printed pages (no less 0.5 of a printed sheet without annotations and literature).

Number of authors – no more than three.

Captions to pictures, tables are typed in size 11.

Schemes, compositions consisting of particular elements, figures, drawings and other objects should be grouped as one object.



UDC index – indicated in the first line of the page and left aligned, bold type, Times New Roman, 12 pt, capital letters.

DOI index – left aligned under UDC, Times New Roman, 12 pt, capital letters (provided by the collection editorial office).

Title of the article (in Ukrainian) – capital letters, bold, Times New Roman, 12 pt, in Ukrainian with center alignment, up to ten words.

Full name, surname and patronymic of the author (s) of the article in full – bold, Times New Roman, 12 pt, center alignment.

Information about the author (s) – academic title, scientific degree, position; full official name of the institution (institutions) – italics; personal e-mail address;

ORCID ID index (Registration at; center alignment, Times New Roman, 10 pt.

Abstract in Ukrainian10-12 lines, key words (5-7 words) – italics, Times New Roman, 11 pt.

The main text of the article – Times New Roman, 12 pt, in a structured form with the following highlited elements (highlighted in bold):

- Formulation of the problem;

- Analysis of recent research and publications;

- Formulation of the purpose of the article;

- Presentation of the main material (with full justification of the results);

- Conclusions (with prospects for further explorations in the field).

The list of used sources and literature (font – Times New Roman, № 11) is compiled in alphabetical order in compliance with the requirements (National Standard of Ukraine SSTU 8302: 2015 ‘Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of compilation’).

Sources are given in square brackets (for example, [3, p. 43], [11, p. 39-43]). The source number and page number are separated by a coma with space, the source number – by a semicolon. The first figure is the number of the source in the bibliography, the second is the page number. When linking to site pages access dates of the sources cited should be provided. Names of periodicals (journals) are drawn up in accordance with the official Latin spelling by the ISSN registration number. A digital DOI (if available) must be added to the source.

References must be drawn up in the style of the APA (American Psychological Association) ( ), Times New Roman, 11 pt. All sources listed in Cyrillic must be transliterated and additionally translated into English, the translation must be in square brackets; at the end you should indicate the language of the original in square brackets. The website  offers the translation of the Ukrainian text into Latin.

The title of the article in English – all capital letters, bold, Times New Roman, 12 pt, centered, up to ten words.

Surname, name of the author (s) of the article in full (in English) – bold, Times New Roman, 12 point, centered.

Information about the author (s) in English  – information about the author (s), place of work, centered, Times New Roman, 10 pt.

Abstract in English (Abstract) – (no less 2500 characters with spaces, including keywords) must be written in good English according to the requirements of international scientometric databases, Times New Roman, 11 pt, italics.

The abstract should contain the following elements:

- Problem – Introduction.

- Purpose.

- Methods.

- The main results of the study – Results.

- Scientific novelty of research results – Originality.

- Conclusions and author’s specific proposals – Conclusion.

- Keywords (5-7 words), italics – Keywords.

  • Проблема – Introduction.
  • Мета – Purpose.
  • Методи дослідження – Methods.
  • Основні результати дослідження – Results.
  • Наукова новизна результатів дослідження − Originality.
  • Висновки та конкретні пропозиції автора – Conclusion.
  • Ключові слова (5-7 слів), курсив – Keywords.

-  Редакція залишає за собою право подавати рукописи на зовнішнє рецензування та перевірятиме рукописи статей на академічний плагіат у системі Unicheck. Рукописи не повертаються.

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Якщо стаття подана англійською мовою, то розширена анотація подається українською мовою.

У разі виявлення невідповідності поданої роботи пунктам цих вимог редакція повертатиме авторам матеріали на доопрацювання.

Повідомлення про прийняття статті до друку редколегія надсилає на електронну адресу автора після перевірки на плагіат та рецензування.

The text of the author's resume should be concise and clear, free from secondary information, unnecessary introductory words, general and insignificant wording. The use of electronic translators should be avoided when creating an English annotation.

The EMERALD website provides examples of how not to ( and how to write an annotation.

The editors reserve the right to submit manuscripts for external review and will check manuscripts for academic plagiarism in the Unicheck system. Manuscripts are not returned.

The article should be carefully reviewed and edited.

If the article is submitted in English, the extended annotation is submitted in Ukrainian.

In case of non-compliance of the submitted work with the points of the requirements the editorial office will return the materials to the authors for revision.

The acceptance notification of the article for publication is sent by the editorial board to the author’s e-mail address after plagiarism and peer review.

‘Scientific Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko Kremenets Regional Humanitarian and Pedagogical Academy. Series: Pedagogical sciences’  is published in full on the WEB-page of the publication:  on the Internet and on the website of V. Vernadsky National Library in the section ‘Scientific Periodicals of Ukraine’.

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