Mokliak V. M

The peculiarities of the development of organizational and academic autonomy of Kharkiv Imperial University in 1804–1835 are highlighted. It is shown that during the specified period the dynamics of the university autonomy process was characterized by a decrease in independence. It is proved that during 1804–1814 the institution was characterized by a high level of personnel autonomy. There were appointment and dismissal of teachers and officials, training of professors), managerial and educational autonomy (opening schools, finding teachers, writing textbooks, attracting local funds for educational needs), teaching autonomy ( teachers' free choice of sources for preparation for classes, high level of academic freedoms), publishing autonomy (printing in their own printing house) and student autonomy. The reasons for the change in attitudes towards the university and its independence after 1815 are analyzed (news of the murder of a history teacher by a German student, as a result - fears of youth free-thinking by the Ministry of Education, interference in university life, division of society into supporters and establishments of higher education). The events that became natural for that time are covered. They are the attack of the government and the most reactionary figures (O. Sturdza, M. Magnytskyi, D. Runich, I. Laval, etc.) on higher education and on university autonomy, ignoring the provisions of the democratic statute of 1804, publication in periodicals of articles directed against the independence of universities; dismissal of qualified teachers, reduction of the quality of higher education, etc. The level of organizational and academic autonomy in 1815–1835 is characterized (subordination of the university administration to the trustee, who now controlled all issues of the university; introduction of strict censorship; restriction of freedom of teaching; departure of foreign professors abroad; lack of teaching staff; superior treatment of students; loss of other privileges, etc.). The role of academic freedoms in the development of the student's personality is shown (self-preparation of higher education seekers, fundamental professional training, respect for academic virtues, gratitude of the university).

Key words: organizational autonomy, academic autonomy, university, academic freedoms, higher education, student training.

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