Олександp Дем’янчук

доктор педагогічних наук, професор, завідувач кафедри мистецьких дисциплін та методик їх викладання, Кременецька обласна гуманітарно-педагогічна академія ім. Тараса Шевченка


In this article peculiarities of cognitive activity of the pupils with development arrest are revealed; working procedure regarding development of aesthetic outlook of the pupils, mentioned above is highlighted in the article.The attention is focused on the issues of education of artistic and aesthetic interests by means of an integrated combination of arts. Much attention is paid to the aesthetic education of children, world outlook, interests, tastes, which feelings are of concern to all who are not indifferent to the future destiny of our society.

The researcher notes that the essence of aesthetic education is the organization of diverse artistic and aesthetic activities of students, aimed at forming their ability to fully perceive and correctly understand the beauty in art and life, to develop aesthetic concepts, concepts and tastes, as well as to develop them artistic and aesthetic interests.

Main conditions for the full development of artistic and aesthetic interests are: the appropriate level of artistic development of the child and understanding of her works of art; creating a positive emotional attitude to the objects of the aesthetic cycle. The presence of these conditions creates the basis for the emergence of artistic and aesthetic interest, which will further contribute to the correction of mental development of students of this category.

Analyzing scientific works on this problem, the main indicators, which characterize the artistic and aesthetic interests of junior pupils, are determined. Among them: a conscious desire and ability of students to distinguish from the surrounding aesthetic objects or their aesthetic properties; emotional perception of aesthetic and artistic values ​​(depth and power of emotional reaction), the presence of empathy; a tendency to engage in aesthetic and artistic activity, the nature of their occurrence (interest or indifference, manifestation of autonomy in activity).

Proceeding from the analysis of the state of development of the problem and relying on the noted theoretical generalizations, the author determines the artistic and aesthetic interest as a selective orientation of the individual to the knowledge of art precisely under the influence of his emotional attractiveness, which is expressed in the emotional pursuit of artistic and creative activity and the need for aesthetic pleasure.

At the present stage, the use of integrated interaction of arts in music lessons is connected with the reorientation of the educational process to the student's personality in terms of her artistic and aesthetic improvement. It is envisaged that the use of integrated interaction of arts in the classroom will enable to intensify and intensify the aesthetic development of junior pupils with the LRR in the process of teaching them music, literature, fine arts, and will provide the necessary pedagogical conditions for him. Prospects of an integrated approach to the lessons of artistic disciplines in expanding the scope of its application, in the organization of a unified pedagogical system for the formation of artistic and aesthetic interests, built on the cooperation of teachers and students.

Key words

Aesthetic outlook, the range of arts, cognitive activity.

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ISSN 2410-2075