Валентина Ломакович

кандидат педагогічних наук, доцент, Тернопільський національний педагогічний університет імені Володимира Гнатюка

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The role of successfully oriented exercises on classes in the German language was developed in order to prepare students for foreign communication, the possibilities of their use in the process of studying a foreign language were determined. The author, based on theoretical studies and practical experience, describes the feasibility of using different types of exercises, based on the concepts offered by modern German methodologists, in the formation of students' communication in other languages, provided that they are oriented towards success and become effective.

The analysis of methodological literature on this issue made it possible to determine the basic requirements that apply to exercises: communicative orientation; motivation of speech actions of students; creation of educational and communicative situations in the task of the exercise; professional orientation; cultural (sociocultural) orientation. It is determined that the main principle in the foreign language course should not be the principle of deficit, but the principle of focusing on success, which is a part of the professional ethics for each teacher, and is especially important for a stable motivation of students.

The author analyzes the typology of exercises and their criteria offered by the German methodists: a) reciprocal, exercises aimed at understanding the content of the listened or read text; b) reproductive, in which students produce sentences or texts on a given condition; c) productive, which involves the implementation of speech communicative actions with the help of already acquired knowledge (this type of exercise, they consider the transition between exercise and tasks); d) reproductive-productive, in which a text sample is given, with the help of which it is necessary to create the text in oral or written form. The second type of exercise: a) communicative (open), which allows you to choose different options for the answer; noncommunicative (closed), in which only one variant of the answer is true; Semi-communicative (semi-open) offer to a large extent the choice and options where there are different solutions. The third type of exercise: a) exercises aimed at understanding the content of oral or written text; b) exercises aimed at studying linguistic means and grammatical forms.

The ways and principles of their successful realization are indicated, in particular person-activity and the principle of orientation towards success at the conclusion of such exercises; the preconditions for the effective use of exercise with skipping are established; the importance of the system of exercises as the provision of the organization of the process of assimilation and the organization of the learning process is substantiated; the inexpediency of using exercises with passes in the formation of speech competences, the training of grammar rules, as well as the subject of their direction, types of works and the forms of their execution and verification, the variants of tasks for exercises that are effective in forming foreign language speech activity are determined.


Key words

System of exercises, successfully oriented exercise, foreign language communication, receptive exercises, receptive-reproductive exercises, reproductive and productive exercises, communicative exercises, work in pairs, person-activity principle, exercises with passes.

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4.      Buscha Anne: Begegnungen. Deutsch als Fremdsprache. Integriertes Kurs und Arbeitsbuch. Sprachniveau B1+/ Buscha Anne, Szita Szilvia. Leipzig: Schubert-Verlag. 2013. 268 S.

5.      Funk Hermann : Aufgaben, Übungen, Interaktion. / Christina Kuhn / Dirk Skiba / Dorothea Spaniel-Weise / Rainer E. Wicke.(Hrsg.): Klett-Langenscheidt. München, 2014. 84 S.

6.      Funk Hermann: Methodische Konzeptefürden DaF-Unterricht. In: Krumm Hans-Jürgen / Fandrych Christian / Hufeisen Brittau. a. (Hrsg.): Deutschals Fremd-und Zweitsprache. Ein internationales Handbuch. Art. 104. Berlin / Wien : De Gruyter. 2010. S. 940–952.

7.      Europarat : Gemeinsamer europäischer Referenzrahmen für Sprachen: Lernen, lehren, beurteilen. München: Langenscheidt, 2001. 244 S.

8.      Segalowitz Norman : Automaticity and second languages. DOUGHTY, Catherine J., Long Michael H. (Eds.). Handbook of Second Language Acquisition. Malden, MA: Blackwell Publishing, 2003. S. 382–408.



ISSN 2410-2075