Галина Сеньківська

кандидат історичних наук, доцент кафедри української філології та суспільних дисциплін, Кременецька обласна гуманітарно-педагогічна академія ім. Тараса Шевченка

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In the article the author analyzes some aspects of the cultural and educational activity of Kremenets Gymnasium named after Ivan Steshenko referring to the materials of Kremenets regional society «Prosvita». The conducted analysis shows that the institution became the center of national life of Ukrainians in the region that contributed to the activation of the historical and ethnographic movement in Volyn.

It was investigated that local lore studies were carried out on the one hand by Polish research and ethnographic societies, which used the support of the academic institutions of Poland, and on the other hand - Ukrainian local lore centers based on the cultural and educational centers of Western Ukraine, in particular on the Scientific Society of them. Shevchenko, «Prosvita», museum institutions, etc. And certain achievements of the local lore movement in Volhynia became possible to a large extent due to the active work of Prosvita in Kremenets, whose figures influenced the formation of the national consciousness of Ukrainians.

On the basis of the analysis of the source base of the research, the investigator presents the facts of the opening of the Ukrainian gymnasium named after Ivan Steshenko, which began functioning on October 1, 1918, and became the focal point of the national life of Ukrainians in the region. At the request of Kremenets' Prosvita, the Ministry assigned her the name of Ivan Steshenko, an active figure of the UPR, the Minister of Education. The opening of the gymnasium was a major event in the life of the region, as it began its activity as a state and was the only Ukrainian secondary school in the whole county. Study of the Ukrainian language and history of Ukraine in the gymnasium was mandatory. The first director of this educational institution was Sergey Milyashkevich, and later in different years of activity – I. Rey, Kobrin, L. Kontsevich.

Kremenets Gymnasium was famous for its pets: Ulas Samchuk, Oksana Lyaturinskaya, Cyril Kutsyuk-Kochinsky, Maria Kavun-Kreminyarivska, who became famous writers. Many students of the high school distinguished themselves in the field of Ukrainian writing, education and culture. The author has pointed out the fact that many gymnasium students have been taken an active part in the events of the 40–50's of the twentieth century. The attention has been emphasized on Mykola Medvetsky (pseudo Hrin) as the leader of the rebel formation, who belonged to the secret youth organization «Yunak», which had appeared in an educational establishment. The indisputable role of the gymnasium in forming the intellectuals of the region, which left a significant trace not only in the history of Kremenets but also throughout Ukraine, is noted.

The author concludes that the Ukrainian gymnasium named after Ivan Steshenko at that time became the center of the historical and ethnographic movement in the region. In spite of the interference of the then system in scientific life, obstacles on the part of the authorities, the Ukrainian gymnasium did a lot for the national revival of the region, contributed to the establishment of national education. Materials concentrated in the rayon society "Prosvita", contribute to the understanding of its historical heritage, the formation of national consciousness.


Key words

Private gymnasium, Volyn, «Prosvita» society, gymnasium students, historical and local history movement.

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ISSN 2410-2075