Lomakovych A.M. - professor, rector of KRHPA named after Taras Shevchenko

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Kravets L.M. - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of KRHPA n.a. Taras Shevchenko

Havryliuk D. V. - student, KRHPA n.a. Taras Shevchenko

The article investigates the substantive characteristics of the readiness of the social teacher, practical psychologist, educators, parents of children with special educational needs in the conditions of the pre-school educational institution. The definition of "social adaptation of children with special educational problems in the conditions of the institution of general educational institution " is analyzed. The main results of psychological and pedagogical coaching are determined: the awareness of specialists of the pre-school educational institution and parents of social adaptation importance for children with special educational needs as a requirement for their effective integration into the inclusive pre-school educational institution.

Key words: inclusive learning, educational needs, social adaptation, coaching, tutors, pre-school education, inclusion.

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Zablotskyi A. R. (ТNPU named after V. Hnatiuk)

The article substantiates the urgency of the problem of forming the professional readiness of the future social worker to work in alternative forms of state custody of children. Different approaches of scientists to determine the nature and structure of professional readiness are analyzed. It is noted that the professional readiness of the future social worker to work in alternative forms of child custody is an important integrative quality and stable personal characteristics of the future specialist, which is manifested in his ability to carry out effective professional activities in alternative forms of child custody and is the result of his training. The specified type of activity in the institution of higher education. The types are determined, the structure is clarified and the components, criteria and indicators of professional readiness of the future social worker to work in alternative forms of state custody of children are characterized.

Key words: social sphere, future specialist, professional activity, readiness, readiness structure, components, criteria, indicators.

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Dmytro Klak - postgraduate student (TNPU)

The Tinkercad online resource is a web-based tool that allows you to model objects of any complexity, which can then be printed on a 3D printer. Tinkercad does not have restrictions in professions, it is available to everyone: architects, designers, draftsmen, scientists, students, teachers, children and anyone with creative thinking and desire to create. No special knowledge required to design objects - using Tinkercad is easy and simple. More recently, Tinkerkad has been able to create electronic circuits and connecting them to the Arduino virtual board simulator. These are extremely important and powerful  tools can significantly facilitate the processes of learning, design and programming new circuits for novice Arduino developers The article gives a general description of the online service TinkerCAD, history program development, describes the overall functionality of the platform as a whole. Reasoned perspectives and expediency of using the platform as a means of acquainting applicants education with 3D modeling environment. Describes the main advantages and disadvantages of working with program.Represented site is ideal for learning the basic concepts of three-dimensional graphics at school because it doesn't require significant PC computing resources because all settlement operations take place in specialized clouds. Features of the service allow teachers to organize group work at school with talented students who want to master three-dimensional modeling

Keywords: 3D modeling, design, cloudservices, 3D objects, innovativetechnologies

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1. 3-D tekhnolohii. URL: (datazvernennia: 19.05.2020).

2. P3d / Ofitsiinyisait URL : (datazvernennia: 20.05.2020).

3. Sketshfab / Ofitsiinyisait URL: (datazvernennia: 19.05.2020).

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Volikova М. М - Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, (KMI NmetAU)

The article is devoted to the problem of sexual education of children and young people at the beginning of the twentieth century and its reflection in socio-pedagogical sources. In the publication the author reveals the peculiarities of sexual education of children and youth of the highlighted period, highlights the purpose, objectives and content of sexual activity education. It is proved that the problem of the study bothered as foreign, as domestic scientists (O. Bernstein, A. Gamme, A. Mol, A. Forel, E. Stil). The value of pedagogical ideas and experience of outstanding ones is substantiated educators and scholars who have dedicated their work to the problem of sex education of young people. In particular, the article found that since the beginning of the twentieth century scientists insisted on the need for a scientific approach to sexual education, which had to be aimed at eliminating the deep-rooted at a society of prejudice about many aspects of sexual life. Research results. The beginning of the twentieth century is a difficult historical one a period which was characterized by the presence of sufficiently controversial scientifictheoretical approaches to the problem of sexual education of young people. These differences of opinion related to statesmen, psychologists, educators and medical professionals. Increased attention to this issue was explained simultaneous effect of a number of objective economic factors (intensive industrial development, urbanization, population migration), scientific (medicine, biology, psychology) and sociocultural (deepening social stratification, family crisis, weakening of the educational role of the church, development of the feminist movement) development. All this contributed to the actualization issues of sexual education at the beginning of the twentieth century. Accordingly, the educational system in the sexual aspect functioned within traditional approaches that could not withstand the intensive development of medical and psychological sciences, so tried to use them for their own purposes. Necessity maintaining chastity before marriage was no longer religious or traditional guidelines, and medical and biological factors. It is proved that already at the beginning of the first decade of the twentieth century. Teachers have come conclusion about the need for systematic sexual education. However, it is education should not have been separated from the education system at all. The study has been hypothesized that built correctly and ethically sex education at school or in higher education will increase the level of literacy and awareness of pupils / students with sexual health and sexual development. Therefore, the problem of children and youth’s sexual education is one of the most urgent and socially significant in scientific discourse.

Key words: education, sexual education, sexual life, sexual education, paternity and motherhood.

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