Pasichnyk L. V. - Communal institution of higher education "Dnieper Academy of Continuing Education" Dnipropetrovsk Regional Council "

The article deals with the issue of periodization of the process of teacher training of Ukrainian language and literature in the national scientific and pedagogical discourse. The formation of a modern system of higher pedagogical education takes place in conditions of significant renewal of its conceptual foundations for the national direction, increasing the importance of the Ukrainian language as the state language at all levels of the educational process. The state progress of the Ukrainian language increases the attention to the issue of training teachers of Ukrainian language and literature in view of the latest requirements facing domestic teachers and which need to be correlated with existing pedagogical experience. The leading approaches of modern scientists to the development of the problem of training teachers of Ukrainian language and literature in higher pedagogical institutions of Ukraine are identified and characterized, the author's periodization of the research problem is presented. The assumption is made about the possibility of isolation in a certain process of a number of periods: 1945-1958 biennium – ideological basis (approval of conceptual bases of cultural (including linguistic and educational) policy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and its strengthening in the system of higher pedagogical education); 1959-1991 – organizational and administrative (creation of a system of higher pedagogical education, which would meet the demands of the society for the preparation of teachers, in particular Ukrainian language and literature); 1991-2019 – transformation and modernization (transition from the restructuring of the post-Soviet higher education system to the creation of a modern flexible higher education system). Focused on the purpose and content of education of future teachers of Ukrainian language and literature, as this issue had a political context due to the connection with the language policy of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics towards Ukraine.

Key words: teacher training, periodization, teacher of Ukrainian language and literature, history of pedagogy, language policy

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