Zablotskyi A. R. (ТNPU named after V. Hnatiuk)

The article substantiates the urgency of the problem of forming the professional readiness of the future social worker to work in alternative forms of state custody of children. Different approaches of scientists to determine the nature and structure of professional readiness are analyzed. It is noted that the professional readiness of the future social worker to work in alternative forms of child custody is an important integrative quality and stable personal characteristics of the future specialist, which is manifested in his ability to carry out effective professional activities in alternative forms of child custody and is the result of his training. The specified type of activity in the institution of higher education. The types are determined, the structure is clarified and the components, criteria and indicators of professional readiness of the future social worker to work in alternative forms of state custody of children are characterized.

Key words: social sphere, future specialist, professional activity, readiness, readiness structure, components, criteria, indicators.

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