Анна Вербенець

Криворізький державний педагогічний університет




In the present article the source base of the research has been defined in accordance with the stages of inclusive education development in Republic of Malta (denial, acceptance, awareness, inclusion). The main groups of historical and pedagogical works aimed at studying and generalizing of investigation material have been allocated and described. The source base of the research includes documentary (documents providing legislation and guidance for inclusive education in Malta), analytical sources that highlight historical and pedagogical process of inclusive education development in Republic of Malta, scientific pedagogical periodicals that contain descriptions of practical experience of implementing inclusive education in various types of educational establishments in Republic of Malta. Within the article the source base periods of study according to the stages of development of inclusive education of the Republic of Malta.

The researcher determines the valuable study and extrapolation of the positive experience of the Republic of Malta, which occupies a leading position among EU countries not only through the development of legislative and normative provision of inclusive education, the creation of innovative educational institutions (resource centers), the preparation of competent pedagogical staff, but also the formation of a special value the attitude towards children with special educational problems, which manifests itself in the respect and recognition of the diversity of students.

The article establishes the source of the study of the inclusive education of the Republic of Malta. The following methods were used to solve this goal: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific sources: psychological and pedagogical literature systematization and generalization, foreign and domestic scientists' works, legal documents and statistical data of the Republic of Malta for the disclosure of key concepts of the study; problem-chronological to determine the chronology of the formation and development of inclusive education in the Republic of Malta.

The analysis by the researcher of the source of the problem of the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Malta determines the need to establish an appropriate source base reflecting changes in the value orientations and attitudes towards PLO children in Maltese society. There are three groups of historical and pedagogical works, which constitute the source of the research: 1) documentary (documents of normative legal provision of the development of inclusive education in the Republic of Malta, documents of international organizations); 2) sources of analytical character, covering the historical and pedagogical process of the development of inclusive education of the Republic of Malta within the declared period of study); 3) scientific and pedagogical periodicals containing descriptions of practical experience in the introduction of inclusive education in various types of educational institutions of the Republic of Malta.

The prospects for further research are the study of issues of the formation and implementation of inclusive education policies for students with limited educational needs in the Republic of Malta.

Key words

Source, source base, inclusive education, Republic of Malta.

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ISSN 2410-2075