Ірина Комінярська 

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри української філології та суспільних дисциплін, Кременецька обласна гуманітарно-педагогічна академія ім. Тараса Шевченка

Олена Пасічник

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, доцент кафедри української філології та суспільних дисциплін, Кременецька обласна гуманітарно-педагогічна академія ім. Тараса Шевченка


The article deals with the literary analysis of Ulas Samchuk's novel «The youth of Vasyl Sheremeta». It explores the proper concept of the philosophical and theoretical interpretation of the significance and role of the Kremenets Gymnasium named after Ivan Steshenko in the formation of a young person by the novel of Ulas Samchuk «The youth of Vasyl Sheremeta».

The authors of the article note that the significance of Ulas Samchuk's creative work in the complex literary process lies in its key role in the formation of a new active hero in the Ukrainian prose of the twentieth century. The life and creative path of the prose writer, his literary heritage is a vivid phenomenon in world-wide Ukrainian society, which more clearly reveals the "character of the nation-creating factor" (R. Gromiak).

It was investigated that Ulas Samchuk wrote an autobiographical essay-novel in the two volumes "Youth of Vasily Sheremety" about the life of Kremenets and the gymnasium of the 20's. "This book, - says the author, - violates a small part of the problem of our Ukrainian sector. This is a series of questions from the youth environment of the first years after the First World War of one of our provinces. I wanted to lighten them with the ones my eyes saw them, and the way they heard them, my soul. Without special colors, without special "educational trends", without "for" and without "against". My only tendency was to see everything, even my insignificant heroes from a distant provincial town, co-authors of their era. I wanted to show people who later created the content of what we had just experienced in their first time. Do not force the reader and the critic "to be satisfied." I would have liked more to be true.

 It is proved that in the artistic means of the novel "The youth of Vasyl Sheremeta" the main feature of his outlook is clearly and consistently traced. The language and cultural code of the national identity of the heroes is represented as a phenomenon of Ukrainianity and the formation of a young Ukrainian person. Ulas Samchuk closely connects language and history as an inseparable unity.


Key words

Kremenets Ukrainian gymnasium named after Ivan Steshenko, Ulas Samchuk, formation of a young person.

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GOST Style Citations

1. Комінярська І. М. Улас Самчук: alter ego I aiter idem: [монографія]. Житомир : Вид. ПП «Рута», 2012. 232 с.

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4. Самчук Улас. На коні вороному: спомини і враження. Вінніпег, 1990. 360 с.

5. Чернігівський Гаврило. Крем'янеччина: історичне та літературне краєзнавство : Підручник для коледжу, ліцею, шкіл. Крем’янець, 1992. 10З с.

6. Чернихівський Г. Улас Самчук: сторінки біографії : монографія. Тернопіль : Збруч, 2005. 245 с.



ISSN 2410-2075