Олег Василишин

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент, завідувач кафедри української філології та суспільних дисциплін, Кременецька обласна гуманітарно-педагогічна академія ім. Тараса Шевченка




Literary and artistic life of the Ukrainian Private Gymnasium named after Ivan Steshenko was an integral part of the dynamic political, cultural and educational life of community in the town of Kremenets in the 20’s of the XX century.

The author of the article, based on the relevance of the topic, based on objective analysis, using both archival sources and multi-lingual literature, analyzed literary and artistic facts that had a great influence on the formation of the Ukrainian elite of Volyn.  It was the Ukrainian Gymnasium that contributed to Ukrainian literature the names of Ulas Samchuk, Cyril Kotsyuk-Kochinsky, Oksana Lyaturinskaya, Maria Kavun-Kreminyarivska, Yuriy Mulik-Lutzyk and others.

The analysis of the cases of the Ternopil regional state archive allowed the author to analyze the documentary materials that make up several hundred issues of the fund number 351. Some diary of the work of teachers, on the basis of records you can learn about the versatile orientation of learning and education. The facts of the visit to Kremenets Gymnasium Bohdan Lepky in 1935, which in the conversation with the students reminded us that Vyacheslav Lipinsky is also the son of Volyn land. A special page of the activity of the gymnasium was written by the work of the Gymnasium circle «Postup», the content of which was the reading of literature - from Drahomanov to Vynnychenko, from Mikhnovsky to Dontsov, from nationalist publications to the «Public Voice».

The author analyzes the process of teaching the Ukrainian language and literature in the gymnasium and emphasizes the literary work of the teachers of the Ukrainian language and literature - Sofia Orlovskaya in the gymnasium and Filimon Kulchinsky in the seminary. Only during the lectures, at evening rallies, in the preparation of academies, they threw grain in the young souls. They did not teach us politics, they simply taught us to think and understand us ... ". Both of them were fond of Lesya Ukrainka, Kotsiubynsky, not mentioning already about Shevchenko, whose image, as Orlovsky said, should be kept under holy images.

The Ukrainian gymnasium brought out the great literature of Ulas Samchuk, Kirill Kutsyuk-Kochinsky, Oksana Lyaturinskaya, Maria Kavun-Kreminyarivska, Yuriy Mulik-Lutsk, and others. writer Ulas Samchuk wrote a autobiographical novel "Youth of Vasily Sheremety" about the gymnasium period of life, and in memoirs "On a white horse" and "On horse-raven" a lot of space was devoted to the Kremenets of that time, the Ukrainian gymnasium. It is "Youth of Vasily Sheremety" that gives a convex picture of the literary and artistic preference of the students who arranged disputes on the works of G. Chuprynky, M. Voronoi, O. Olesya, P. Tychyna, V. Vynnychenko's collective readings on the literary-creative association «Youth».

It is concluded that a private gymnasium in Kremenets played a big role in the life of the region, and a whole bunch of Ukrainian writers whose names were immortalized in the memorial tables.

Key words

Gymnasium, literary and artistic life, enlightenment, literary training.

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ISSN 2410-2075