Babii N. V., Salanda I. P., Tsisaruk V. Y., Harmatiuk R. T.

The methods of application of information and communication technologies are considered in the article. Their role in the formation of interdisciplinary links in the process of training teachers of vocational training of students majoring in 015 Vocational Education «Woodworking». The main approaches to the study of ICT in the system of professional pedagogical training are described. Scientific and methodological sources of research of various aspects of the use of information technologies and teaching aids on the problems of pedagogical and professional education are analyzed. The work of most scientists was carried out in the direction of the use of ICT in the study of individual educational components. The structure and content of the system of studying ICT tools in the disciplines «Information technology and teaching aids», «Descriptive geometry, drawings», «Fundamentals of computer-aided design of wood products» are determined. On the basis of own experience the technique of realization of interdisciplinary communications at a choice of subjects of tasks for laboratory and graphic works from the specified educational components is offered. The method of planning laboratory works is revealed, which provides for the drawing of products by means of ICT for their further realization in the material within two or more disciplines. An example of this task in the development of a furniture product (flag stand) and its production in the material in the interdisciplinary relationship «Fundamentals of CAD of wood products» and «Technology of furniture production». It is established that this approach provides a combination of theory and practice, significant time savings and intensification of the educational process and improves its quality as a whole.


Keywords: vocational education, ICT, teacher of vocational training, interdisciplinary links, computer-aided design systems.


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