Tsisaruk I. V

In the article reveals the content of the structural and functional model of professional development of future teachers of labor training and technology. To visualize the specific goals, ways and results of professional development of future teachers of labor training and technology in the process of independent work, a modeling method was used, which is based on the principle of analogy and provides the opportunity to study a real object not directly but through consideration an object similar to it, that is, its model. The method of experimental research «pedagogical modeling» is revealed as the initial stage of process design, which involves creating conditions to achieve the goal, determining the stages and components of this process, developing strategies, forms, methods, tools, technologies of professional development and more. The structural-functional model is based primarily on the social order based on the expected results of the future teacher of labor training and technology for continuous professional development by means of independent work throughout life. Given the specifics of the process of professional development of future teachers of labor education and technology in the process of independent work, in our opinion, we must take into account the model of future professional activity, the structural elements of which we include taking into account the social order theoretical and methodological block (purpose, conceptual principles, methodological approaches, principles); procedural-semantic block (structural components, strategies, forms, methods, means) with an interactive development program and diagnostic-effective block (criteria, indicators, levels), focused on the preparation of future teachers of labor training and technology for continuous professional development by means of independent work during life. Also, in the article defines and theoretically substantiates the pedagogical conditions for ensuring the success and efficiency of the studied phenomenon, which ensured the continuity, efficiency and reliability of the process.

Key words: model, modeling, professional development, future teachers of labor training and technologies.

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Stupak K. E.

The article considers the example of a country whose educational system has absorbed the ideas of philosophical concepts of critical thinking of I. Kant and M. Lipman. After all, thanks to the dynamic integration processes in the world, we pay attention to reflective models of education, which lead us to the question: What is more relevant today – memorization of information or its critical analysis? The article attempts to investigate the organization of education in Finnish schools through the prism of I. Kant's reflexive model and M. Lipman's reflexive model of educational practice. I. Kant in his work «Critique of Pure Reason» used the concept of reflection in order to explain the specifics of the work of consciousness. He divided the concept of reflection into transcendental and logical. Logical reflection only compares concepts with each other and cannot judge things a priori. Transcendental reflection – the basis for the possibility of objective comparison of ideas with each other. Based on the provisions of Kant's work on reflection as a way of forming new concepts and judgments through the comparison of existing ideas, M. Lipman proposed a reflective model of education, which is devoted to his work «Reflective model of educational practice. The article also analyzes the role of phenomenon-based teaching and learning in the education of critical thinking, which is necessary for the successful life of the individual in the modern information society. The Finnish school shows us that the study of phenomena helps the student not only to understand what is happening, but pushes him to formulate an independent opinion on any issue in life. This creates an approach called «reflective model of education», which was fully discussed by I. Kant in the field of philosophy, and M. Lipman in the field of psychology and pedagogy. The article attempts to argue that the construction of the learning process in the Finnish school has the features of a reflexive paradigm of critical practice, which is its integral feature. The experience of organizing education in a Finnish school can be used in the development of a new Ukrainian school.

Key words: reflection, reflective model of educational practice, critical thinking, criteria, judgments, phenomena, phenomenon-oriented learning and teaching.

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Semenovska L. А.

Based on the analysis of the achievements of the classical and modern philosophical, psychological and pedagogical knowledge, theoretical and methodological foundations for substantiating the periodization of the historical and pedagogical phenomenon are determined. In this regard, the general scientific, pedagogical and historical-pedagogical approaches have been characterized, their importance has been proved to ensure the narrative nature of the study, the unity and continuity of the historical-pedagogical process.It is proved that the periodization of historical and pedagogical phenomena is one of the most complex, complex and multilevel problems of scientific knowledge. Periodization requires a thorough study of the object of study, data related to the pedagogy of science, a developed scientific and methodological worldview of the researcher. Analysis of the state of periodization of historical and pedagogical phenomena will identify the most typical shortcomings in the implementation of this scientific task, so to create conditions for further development of methodological foundations of historical and pedagogical science.The article states that classical and modern philosophical teachings are reflected in general and specific scientific methodologies of historical and pedagogical research, the main provisions of which are interdependent and interact with each other. This approach ensures the objectivity and narrative of scientific research, which is aimed at justifying the periodization of the historical and pedagogical phenomenon. Analysis of the methodological foundations of the problem allows us to conclude that their specificity is a combination of the doctrine of cognitive and practical methods. Therefore, the definition of theoretical and methodological principles of studying periodization is not only a means of achieving a high level of generalization, but also a tool for the practical transformation of pedagogical reality on a scientific basis.

Key words: period ization, historical and pedagogical phenomenon, development, scientific approaches, philosophical doctrine.

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Siladii I. M

ORCID 0000-0001-9248-0774

The idea of humanization and humanitarianization of education has long roots. But its actual implementation was possible only in the context of democratization of social processes. After all, true humanization involves not only the pursuit of humanity, but also the introduction of humanistic principles in social relations. However, the development of the humanistic tradition in education in the context of its democratization today is mainly associated with overcoming technocracy as a way of thinking and acting. Therefore, in educational institutions of Ukraine special attention is paid to the need to deepen the humanization of engineering and science education. But the humanization of education also presupposes the orientation of the educational process on subject-subject relations, in which the best democratic qualities of learners are formed - their desire for freedom, active life position, initiative, readiness for collective intellectual activity, etc. The article emphasizes that the humanization and humanitarianization of education involves the implementation of a fundamentally new direction, not related to the training of «impersonal» future professionals, but to achieve a harmonious and professionally developed personality. Today, the humanistic goal of education requires an immediate review of its content, which should include not only the latest scientific and technical information, but also humanitarian personal development knowledge and skills, creative experience. Thus, the humanization and humanitarianization of education in the context of its democratization involves the implementation of human-oriented learning aimed at humanizing the social, socio-political and socio-cultural environment.

Keywords: humanism, humanization of education, humanitarianization of education, democratization of education.

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Pavelko V. V.

The article touches upon the problems of organization and semantic direction of professional education of elementary school teachers on the territory of Ukraine at the time of Russian Empire and the Soviet period. The specifics of degree education of future teachers is defined: the way of formation, development, factors, which cause their changes.The periodization of this process, created by O. Shkvyr is suggested. The role of famous people of the past time in formation and development of fundamental preparation of teachers is mentioned. For example, M. Lomonosov, who suggested to create a special pedagogical educational institution , developed and substantiated mandatory requirements towards practical activity of teachers; K. Ushynskiy , as the author of the first systems of preparation of folk school teachers , recommendations concerning organization  of the teachers' seminarium activity and the content of future preparation of folk school teachers. Some aspects touch upon the experience of educational institutions, where professional preparation of teachers for elementary school took place, are also described in this article. Legislative documents and scientific- pedagogical literature, which illustrate the state and content of professional preparation of future teachers of the elementary school on different stages of the society development , are analyzed.

Key words: a teacher of the elementary school, content of education, a period, professional preparation, development, formation, degree education.

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