Horopaha N. M., Pavliuk T. O.

The article reveals the issue of formation of ecological competence of students with speech disorders in mathematics lessons, substantiates the pedagogical conditions of formation of ecological competence of students with speech disorders in mathematics lessons. At the same time, environmental education is considered as the basis of a new paradigm of the modern educational system, which is based on personalityoriented and humanistic approaches to the organization of educational activities of students with speech disorders. The authors of the article single out the pedagogical conditions that proved to be effective for the formation of ecological competence of students with speech disorders in mathematics lessons: the use of problem situations for the formation of ecological competence of students with speech disorders in mathematics lessons; increasing the readiness of teachers to use innovative methods in combination with traditional ones in working with students with speech disorders; establishing interaction with parents to consolidate the acquired knowledge about nature. The authors proceed from the fact that in the formation of environmental competence of primary school children it is important to combine traditional educational methods with active methods of education, which require the child a higher level of independent cognitive activity. The article proves that the presence of students' interest in nature and their activity in learning about the environment plays a significant role in the formation of ecological culture. Attention is also paid to the formation of a number of research skills in students (to see the problem, to analyze the described situation, to make hypotheses about ways to solve the problem, to test their statements, to prove their own opinion, etc.).

Key words: ecological competence; environmental education; math; students with speech disorders; rules of conduct in nature; problem situations.

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