Siladii I. M

ORCID 0000-0001-9248-0774

The idea of humanization and humanitarianization of education has long roots. But its actual implementation was possible only in the context of democratization of social processes. After all, true humanization involves not only the pursuit of humanity, but also the introduction of humanistic principles in social relations. However, the development of the humanistic tradition in education in the context of its democratization today is mainly associated with overcoming technocracy as a way of thinking and acting. Therefore, in educational institutions of Ukraine special attention is paid to the need to deepen the humanization of engineering and science education. But the humanization of education also presupposes the orientation of the educational process on subject-subject relations, in which the best democratic qualities of learners are formed - their desire for freedom, active life position, initiative, readiness for collective intellectual activity, etc. The article emphasizes that the humanization and humanitarianization of education involves the implementation of a fundamentally new direction, not related to the training of «impersonal» future professionals, but to achieve a harmonious and professionally developed personality. Today, the humanistic goal of education requires an immediate review of its content, which should include not only the latest scientific and technical information, but also humanitarian personal development knowledge and skills, creative experience. Thus, the humanization and humanitarianization of education in the context of its democratization involves the implementation of human-oriented learning aimed at humanizing the social, socio-political and socio-cultural environment.

Keywords: humanism, humanization of education, humanitarianization of education, democratization of education.

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