Benera V. E. - doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor of KRHPA n.a. Taras Shevchenko

Kashubskyi V. V- postgraduate student of KRHPA n.a. Taras Shevchenko

The article offers the main interpretations of the concept and structure of multicultural competence, the impact of its individual components on the professional and personal development of teachers of humanities in higher education in the Republic of Poland. It is considered that among the ways to improve the system of professional training is the development of multicultural competence of future specialists in the humanities, adequate to European standards is possible provided the active implementation of progressive ideas of foreign experience in training relevant specialists in the practice of domestic higher education. The development of multicultural education of future teachers of philology is due to the need to awaken national awareness, the revival of national cultures and the need to preserve the identity of each of them. It was found that the development of multicultural competence in the direction of spreading culture, erudition, individuality of the specialist, his preparation for participation in the implementation of the challenges of society is especially relevant. in Polish pedagogical science has key competencies of socio-pedagogical component in the form of the ability to self-esteem, the ability to resolve conflicts, cooperate effectively with other people, navigate and conduct multicultural dialogue in modern real and virtual social environments and more. It was found out on the basis of logical-system analysis of the content of a significant number of philosophical, sociological, psychological, pedagogical and socio-pedagogical sources that the competence approach is a methodological basis for determining the content and specifics of professional competence of specialists in various fields, including teachers of philology. It is determined that such concepts as cultural tolerance, multicultural worldview, moral responsibility should be one of the main qualities of a modern teacher of humanities, as well as the overarching goal of educating students as European citizens of the XXI century. Key words: multicultural competence, multicultural literacy, multicultural worldview, cultural tolerance, professional tolerance.

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