Kurach M. S. - Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of KRHPA n.a. Taras Shevchenko

Yemets A. P. -  KRHPA n.a. Taras Shevchenko

The article covers issues related to the ways of improvement an asynchronous engine. The features of modernization of asynchronous motors aimed at increasing their energy efficiency are considered. The reasons for the low average load of this engine in the electric drive, especially the traditional and the newest approaches to the calculation of such engines, are analyzed. A new method of executing a stator winding (combined windings) of an electric motor, which has a significant economic effect, is characterized. It is noted that this method of performing the stator winding provides: the ability to adjust the speed at a constant current frequency by gradually changing the voltage throughout the speed range; soft and stable mechanical characteristics; consumption of smaller starting currents and increase of a twisting moment; improvement of vibration and noise characteristics. 94 The importance and peculiarities of studying the methods of increasing the energy efficiency of asynchronous engines by future teachers is substantiated. In this context, the study of improving the efficiency of electrical installations, in particular induction motors, is important in the formation of professional competencies of teachers related to the ability to analyze and evaluate objects of the technological environment and the ability to organize research activities of students in the process of working on educational projects. . The main methods of forming these competencies are the method of specific situations (case method), as well as the method of algorithm for solving inventive problems.

Key words: asynchronous engine, energy efficiency, technological processes, electric drive, combined windings, future teachers of technology, the method of specific situations (case method), the method of algorithm for solving inventive problems (the Innovation Algorithm).

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