Lehkun O. H. - candidate of arts, Associate Professor of KRHPA n.a. Taras Shevchenko

The article is based on the analysis of publications of periodicals in the 20-30th of the XX century the character and musical and creative activity of Jerzy Gache, one of the most active figures in the cultural life of Kremenets’ region of this period is characterized. The pedagogical activity of Jerzy Gache, who for 20 years worked as a music teacher, leader of the symphony orchestra and choir of the Kremenets’ Lyceum of the interwar period, was investigated. The geography of the concert performances and the repertoire of the musical groups of the educational institution is considered. It was found that being a head of the department of the Lviv Music Institute, which operated at the Kremenets’ Lyceum, and a teacher of the Musyczne ognisko wakacyjne, contributed to the deepening of music education in Kremenets’ region. Publications in periodicals of the 20-30s of the XX century. reveal the importance of musical auditions that took place on the initiative of Jerzy Gache, in deepening the musical culture and artistic and aesthetic education of the students of the Kremenets’ Lyceum. Based on the publication in «Życie Liceum Krzemienieckiego», the role of Jerzy Gache as the organizer and leader of the Volyn Symphony Orchestra was determined, the repertoire and concert performances of the collective were traced. It has been found out that the artist's participation in public and cultural and educational events is evidence of his active position in the music and educational life of the region.

Key words: Kremenets’ Lyceum, Jerzy Gache, Volyn Symphony Orchestra, pedagogical and concert activities.

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